Web Development:

An Introduction to CGI Programming with Perl


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Table of Contents

01. Web Development: An Introduction to CGI Programming with Perl
02. Introduction
03. What is CGI?
04. Client/Server Interaction
05. HTTP
06. HTTP Methods
07. GET Request
08. GET Response
09. PPT Slide
10. PPT Slide
11. POST Request
12. Server Response Codes
13. HTTP Headers
14. General HTTP Headers
15. Client Request Headers
16. Client Request Headers
17. Server Response Headers
18. Entity Headers
19. Entity Headers
20. Content-type:
21. Sending MIME
22. PPT Slide
23. PPT Slide
24. Intermission
25. Running a CGI script
26. get_env.cgi
27. Running get_env.cgi
28. Running get_env.cgi
29. CGI Environment Variables
30. A CGI Form
31. Sending Form Data
32. PPT Slide
33. PPT Slide
34. URL encoding
35. Retrieving URL-encoded string
36. getcgivars
37. getcgivars
38. CGI Form example
39. post.cgi
40. CGI.pm
41. Script without CGI.pm
42. Script with CGI.pm
43. Debugging with CGI.pm
44. Debugging with CGI.pm
45. CGI Debugging Tip
46. CGI Security
47. CGI Benefits
48. CGI Drawbacks
49. Vendor APIs
50. Server Side Includes (SSI)
51. PHP
52. mod_perl
53. FastCGI
54. References
55. Questions?

Document Information

Author: David J. Young
Date: 25-Jan-2000
Email: davidy@colltech.com

Presented at the local Chicago Uniforum Chapter
on 25-January-2000

Abstract: http://uniforum.chi.il.us/meetings.html

URL: http://uniforum.chi.il.us